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Equivalent havingAttachments JQL


issue in attContent("word")issue in havingAttachments("content: word")returns list of issues which have an attachment, which contains a 'word' inside file content
issue in attName("sample")issue in havingAttachments("sample")all issues that have attachment with name 'sample'
issue in attType("pdf")issue in havingAttachments("type:pdf") all issues with 'pdf' attachments

Advanced function - havingAttachments

The add-on provides havingAttachments("query") JQL function, where syntax of the query is a bit similar to Google or Bing search engine query syntax, for example:

  • issue in havingAttachments("word") - returns list of issues which have an attachment, which contains a word inside file content;
  • issue in havingAttachments("\"multi-word text\"") - all issues with attachments with a multi-word text in their file contents;
  • issue in havingAttachments("text1 OR text2") - all issues with attachments with either text1 or text2 somewhere in their file contents;
  • issue in havingAttachments("text1 text2") - same as issue in havingAttachments("text1 OR text2") - this is the main difference from Google query syntax - here space means not and but or;
  • issue in havingAttachments("text1 AND text2") - all issues with attachments with both text1 and text2 somewhere in their file contents;
  • issue in havingAttachments("content:text") - same as issue in havingAttachments("text");
  • issue in havingAttachments("type:pdf") - all issues with pdf attachments;
  • issue in havingAttachments("name:workflow OR type:png") - all issues that have attachment with name workflow or with png file extension;
  • issue in havingAttachments("name:summary AND type:txt") - all issues that have attachment with name summary and with txt file extension;
  • issue in havingAttachments("\"search attachment for JIRA add-on\" AND name:article01") - all issues that have an attachment containing search attachment for JIRA add-on text and the attachment file is named article01 (without the extension);
  • issue in havingAttachments("") or just issue in havingAttachments() - returns list of issues which have at least one attachment (with any contents).

In general, you can use any Lucene query, with the following fields available:

  • content, which searches inside attachment file contents. It's the default field if you don't specify any field explicitly.
  • name, which searches by names of the attachment files excluding file extensions;
  • type, which searches by file extensions (pdf, doc, txt, xls, odt, ods, xml, html, ...)


Two wildcards (* and ?) can be used in search terms. Wildcards will not work if you search for phrase like: havingAttachments("\"multi-word text\""). Wildcards are ignored when used in phrases.

  • " * " is used for multiple characters wildcard search: tes*, te*t. Term can't start with *, it can be used at the end or in the middle of search term.
  • "?" is used for single character wildcard search: tes?, te?t. Term can't start with ?, it can be used at the end or in the middle of search term.