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C-0000hide in anytime任何情况下都不显示此动作
C-0001show if only has one value,or hide according for a given multiple customfield针对指定的多选字段,如果只有一个值是显示,否则不显示
C-0002hide if only have one value,or show according to a given customfield(multiple)针对指定的多选字段,如果只有一个值是不显示,否则显示
C-0003show if value is empty,or hiden according for a given customfield针对指定的字段,如果没有值时显示,否则不显示
C-0004hiden if value is empty,or show according for a given customfield针对指定的字段,如果没有值时不显示,否则显示
C-0005show if current user in the given customfield(user),or hiden当前操作用户在指定的用户字段中时显示,否则不显示
C-0006show if current user not in the given customfield(user) show,hiden if not当前操作用户不在指定的用户字段中时显示,否则不显示

show if value is equal to the value of the the given customfield value,or hide



C-0008show if value is  not equal to the value of the the given customfield value,or hide




show or hide according to the resolution


C-0010show if assignee in the given customfield(user),or hiden当前经办人在指定的用户字段中时显示,否则不显示
C-0011show if assignee not in the given customfield(user) show,hiden if not当前经办人不在指定的用户字段中时显示,否则不显示
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